Some of the greatest games ever were listed in this November 1984 Top 20 of Your Sinclair.
I don’t remember reading this edition of the magazine, but most of those games resonate very strongly.
Jet Set Willy was a classic. I remember talking about that to Clive at his house; and the various cheat codes. Not sure I ever got very far with it though.
Lunar Jetman I loved - much more interesting than its simpler predecessor Jetpac, although that was also great fun.
My two favourites on that list though were Ant Attack and Lords of Midnight (a copy of which I still have with me here in Canada, even though I don’t have a machine to run it on!). Phil C and I used to play those a lot.
1984 must have been about the time we moved to Norwich, because I remember in particular playing a day long run of Lords of Midnight on the living room floor in the house in Norwich, slightly nervous about how warm the computer was getting…